Michigan Open Meetings Act
Michigan law requires public meetings of public boards...
Michigan's Open Meetings Act or Michigan OMA provides the enforceable right for citizens to have actual access to meetings of public bodies and the right to know "what goes on" and "what was decided" by governmental officials serving on public bodies.
Meetings of public bodies must be conducted in the view of the public. A limited number of board discussions are permit in closed sessions but all votes must be public under Michigan law.
The Open Meetings Act applies to:
- the Michigan Legislature and its subcommittees;
- most state agencies and departments;
- counties and other local governments;
- school boards;
- many public boards, commissions, and councils; and
- public colleges and universities.
OMA requires that all decisions and votes of a public body must be made at a meeting open to the public. Board and public bodies may only go into closed session for limited and specific reasons. Boards must also give public notice of their meetings so that the public has the opportunity to attend.
Michigan's Open Meetings Act also bans public bodies and its staff from requiring attendees to register or otherwise provide his or her name or other information to attend a public meeting. The right of the public to attend a meeting explicitly includes the right to tape-record. A meeting attendee is also explicitly permitted to address a public body at a public meeting. Public boards routinely and commonly provide a "public comment" section at each of its meetings.
Read more about OMA at the
Michigan Freedom of Information Project, which we are proud to sponsor.
Protect Your Rights
If you are having issues with attending a public meeting, addressing a public body, or decisions being made in closed session,
contact an Open Meetings Act attorney at Outside Legal Counsel today.